For Your Living Room: A Half Model of the INCOMPARABLE International One-Design
A small fleet of International One-Design half models in the shop at Newport Yacht Builders before mounting.
Newport Yacht Builders has restored so many full-sized International One-Design sailboats over the years that they’re now offering for sale this beautifully crafted 30-inch wooden half model version.
Jim Thompson, Newport Yacht Builder partner, likes the International One-Design (IOD) racing sloop, a 1935 collaboration between Norwegian designer/builder Bjarne Aas and American racing enthusiast Cornelius Shields. Jim owns and races one, has restored several, and is now ready to share the exact shape and beauty of these extraordinary boats with you. The hulls are precision cut at Newport Yacht Builders with computer-aided accuracy and then hand-finished in contrasting mahogany and cedar woods.
To order one for your favorite sailor for $1400 plus shipping from Newport, contact us.
Contrasting mahogany and cedar on a cherry mounting board
Jim’s love for the IOD was foundational for Newport Yacht Builders. Some 30 years ago, Jim restored Allegra, his father’s 1936 IOD, launching James Thompson Marine Carpentry in the process. Since then, he has worked on many more IODs, including Jester, a 1937 boat that he and a friend rebuilt from the ground up and have raced successfully for many years. Last winter, Allegra was under Newport Yacht Builders’ care once again for repairs after a racing collision.
The sailing season for IODs and other great sailboats in the Northeast may be winding down, but now you can hang this beautiful, classic shape of speed over your fireplace for the cold months ahead.
To learn more, or discuss another custom half-model design, contact us.